Business Mudgee


Web Design, Custom Layouts, Custom Application Form


Website design with custom voting form



Business Mudgee represents the business community within the Mudgee Region in Central NSW. their main purpose is to provide business support services, networking and business opportunities for our membership by working proactively with our members as well as local, state and federal government agencies and associated corporate partners.

Business Mudgee selected our OVA Website Builder platform because they were looking for a website platform which offered the ease of use of a page builder with the ability to implement custom functionality.

One of the limitations of many mainstream web builder platforms is that they are significantly locked down when it comes to customising the functionality and user experience. This coupled with a lack of local support makes them a daunting prospect for those without significant web development experience. OVA solves this issue by being based on the open-source Wordpress platform which opens up the worlds largest inventory of support for customisation.

The team at HiTech Creative were able to customise the theme of the website to match NSW Business Chamber branding guidelines and also implement a custom form which allows the staff to manage and capture votes for the yearly business awards. This implementation means that Business Mudgee was able to move their voting online and behind the scenes had the ability to download the voting data into a spreadsheet for collating the results with ease.